Our Locations

1340 E. Route 66 Street Suite 103 & 106, Glendora CA 91740

(626) 594-0881

A Comfortable and Upscale Family Style Environment

IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program) in Glendora, CA

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Glendora Recovery Center is dedicated to creating a place of healing and growth for all that we encounter.

(626) 594-0881


1340 E. Route 66 Street Suite #106, Glendora CA 91740

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Intensive Outpatient Program IOP 2

The IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program) at Glendora Recovery Center was created to provide an evidence-based standard of care for patients dealing with substance abuse and mental health issues. Our IOP program is typically taken after a period of inpatient hospitalization.

Our Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program (IOP) is ideal for those who don’t require medically-supervised detox. It allows for you to continue participating in your daily activities (i.e. school or work) and get treatment at our facility during the day, evenings, or on weekends. We provide 30, 60, and 90-day treatment on a case-by-case basis.

Our substance abuse program includes:
  • Physical aspects of addiction – disease concept
  • Psychological aspects of addiction – thoughts, beliefs, perceptions
  • Social aspects of addiction – shame cycle of addiction
  • Identifying and expressing feelings
  • Stress management/reduction
  • Relapse Prevention and maintaining recovery
  • Anger management skill-building
  • Family roles and dynamics
  • Effects of alcoholism/addiction on the family
Our mental health program includes:
  • Mental Health Conditions
  • Coping with Feelings and Emotions
  • Medications and Physical Wellness
  • Relationships and Support
  • Healthy Communication and Boundaries
  • Self-Awareness and Self-Esteem
  • Spirituality, Relaxation, and Mindfulness
  • Grief, Loss, and Trauma Resolution
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Maintaining Recovery and Wellness

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

There is a common misconception regarding addiction recovery, and that is that the only way to approach it is by way of residential facilities. The first image that comes to mind when you think of addiction treatment is probably that of someone leaving behind their regular life to go stay at some remote clinic for a few weeks until they are able to return to their daily routine.

Don’t get us wrong, that is a perfectly valid way to seek out rehabilitation, especially when the patient needs detoxification. However, that is far from the only approach available. When it comes to more flexible treatments that don’t involve extensive stays at clinics or constant professional supervision, you can always look for an intensive outpatient program.

Inpatient programs, meaning those in which the patient is residing at the treatment facility, can be very useful in a variety of situations. These allow, after all, for the treating staff to have consistent, reliable access to the patients for whatever it is that they need. This is of particular importance for cases that call for detoxification in order to help stabilize the patient in question. Others are in a very specific stage of their addiction, meaning that they aren’t exactly able to take the first few steps towards sobriety on their own. 

However, there are just as many people who would rather go through their addiction treatment on their own logistical terms, which means that they are allowed to continue their everyday life during their treatment program.

Intensive Outpatient Program IOP 1

How Does an IOP Work?

For a lot of people, it’s very important to balance their daily life with their addiction treatment in order to maintain some normalcy during this surely tumultuous time in their life. This is a very valid concern, and it’s important to find a program that will not just challenge you to recover, but that will also allow you enough comfort for you to be in the right mindset to be able to keep at it. Finding that balance is not easy, but it is something that we encourage here at our Glendora Recovery Center. 

That’s why we provide prospective patients with the option to take on an intensive outpatient program, which gives them the option to integrate treatment into their everyday lives without having to put it all on hold.

A lot of people who are suffering from addiction will require consistent attention from the treating staff for their own sake. This might be because they can present some kind of danger to themselves or they are in delicate health condition. Others can continue to live in their own home, go to work, and see their friends at the same time as they go through treatment. In these cases, an IOP can be the perfect way for a patient to seek help without having to compromise their entire schedule and disposition in favor of treatment. 

Patients in intensive outpatient recovery programs attend the program activities, such as medical appointments, therapy, and support groups, while still normally maintaining key aspects of their everyday lives. An IOP opens you up to recovery on your own terms.

Intensive Outpatient Addiction Treatment in Glendora

If you or someone you love are looking for an addiction recovery program that doesn’t necessarily entail extensive stays in facilities or a full-time commitment while remaining effective, we have the best approach for you. Here at Glendora Recovery Center, our team is ready to help those who are struggling with addiction find room for treatment in their lives.

If you would like to learn more about our intensive outpatient program, or our treatment center in general, you can give us a call at (626) 594-0881 or use the contact form on our website.

We Accept Most Major Insurance (HMO & PPO)

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