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1340 E. Route 66 Street Suite 103 & 106, Glendora CA 91740

(626) 594-0881

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PCP Addiction Treatment in Glendora, California

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Glendora Recovery Center is dedicated to creating a place of healing and growth for all that we encounter.

(626) 594-0881


1340 E. Route 66 Street Suite #106, Glendora CA 91740

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PCP Addiction Treatment in Glendora California 1

In recent years, PCP has become a very popular drug in a lot of spaces, which is understandable given its very specific psychoactive and dissociative effects. However, excessive use of it can be quite damaging for a person. PCP addiction treatment in California can help those who are struggling with abuse of this substance.

PCP Addiction Treatment in Glendora, California

Phencyclidine, commonly known as either PCP or angel dust, is a dissociative hallucinogenic drug. It’s usually smoked, but it might also be taken by mouth, snorted, or injected, and its effects will vary depending on the dosage. Generally speaking, the effects of PCP involve:

  • Numbness in the extremities
  • Intoxication
  • Changes in body image
  • Loss of ego boundaries
  • Paranoia
  • Depersonalization
  • Feelings of euphoria
  • Unpredictable mood changes
  • Detachment from reality

The mind-altering effects of PCP make it a very popular drug for a variety of social situations, such as parties, raves, and concerts. However, people also seek it out for its dissociative anesthetic effects, which can relieve negative feelings and situations. The use of PCP can also carry with it some very negative effects, though, which is why it’s so important to treat cases of addiction and dependence.

The Consequences of PCP Addiction

The rewarding and reinforcing effects of PCP use can create a cyclical pattern that can soon turn vicious. Excessive use can result in amnesia, delusions, erythema, and even worse adverse health consequences. In addition to these immediate risks, PCP (often referred to as angel dust) can significantly disrupt the user’s mental and emotional well-being.

In some cases, PCP can have severely negative consequences for the user. Psychotic effects similar to those of schizophrenia, for example, can often occur, as well as suicidal ideation. Frequent use can lead to intense paranoia, unpredictable behavior, and the potential for violent outbursts or self-harm. To protect the person from suffering from dependence and descending into the more damaging effects of PCP addiction, seeking professional help is crucial.

PCP addiction treatment in California can be a great way to help those who are struggling with angel dust abuse and find a new life without substance use. With the right support system and therapeutic approach, individuals can begin to break the cycle of addiction, manage withdrawal symptoms safely, and cultivate coping strategies to maintain long-term recovery.

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Rehabilitation For Drug Abuse

Due to the way angel dust addiction works, it’s often hard for someone to break the substance abuse cycle on their own. After all, cutting the use of the substance, or even just reducing it, might result in uncomfortable and unhealthy withdrawal effects on the mind and body. This is why professional intervention can make all the difference, providing a structured and safe environment to manage withdrawal.

Professional help is necessary to ease the patient away from dependence and into sobriety without suffering through the harsher effects of withdrawal. Medically supervised detox and ongoing treatment can help individuals avoid common pitfalls, such as relapse and medical complications that arise from abrupt cessation.

And that’s not to mention the need to address the possibility of relapse and prevent potential repeated use. That’s what rehabilitation is ultimately for, so don’t second-guess the need to find the proper treatment for PCP addiction near you. By incorporating cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), group counseling, and relapse-prevention strategies, a well-rounded rehabilitation program offers the best chance for sustained recovery.

Find the Right PCP Treatment For You

Substance abuse rehabilitation is a deeply personal journey, which is why it can be challenging to find the right environment for someone to feel comfortable enough to start this process. Some facilities and treatment programs may not be suitable for everyone, and that’s completely normal. Factors like treatment philosophy, staff expertise, and level of care all contribute to finding the right fit.

At Glendora Recovery Center, we are committed to providing the right kind of environment. We aim to customize treatment plans to address each individual’s unique needs, considering co-occurring mental health conditions or personal circumstances that may affect recovery.

Dedicated to fostering the right mindset for recovery, our team strives to create a welcoming and comforting atmosphere that encourages patients to lower their defenses and engage in treatment. By emphasizing compassionate care and evidence-based practices, we aim to instill hope and resilience in every person who enters our facility.

Balancing challenge and comfort is crucial in rehabilitation, so we have made every effort to create the ideal setting for this often difficult emotional work. This balance helps individuals feel supported yet motivated, paving the way for genuine transformation and lasting sobriety.

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Treatment for PCP Addiction

If you are looking for effective PCP addiction treatment in California that can provide the right environment for your substance abuse recovery journey, we have the best approach for you. Here at Glendora Recovery Center, our team is ready to help those who are struggling with substance abuse find the right treatment that suits their needs. 

If you would like to learn more about rehab for treatment for PCP addiction and our different treatment programs, you can give us a call at (626) 594-0881 or use the contact form on our website.