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Ten Lifestyle Changes You Can Make for Long-Term Recover After Addiction Treatment Center

addiction treatment center

Entering an addiction treatment center is a major step towards taking back control of your life. It is undoubtedly a difficult journey. However, it is one that is definitely worth taking. In order to succeed long term, you will need to make various lifestyle changes. 

Including things in your life that promote your health and well-being is one of the best steps that you can take after leaving an addiction treatment center. There are ten powerful changes that you can make all of the difference when it comes to living a sober life after leaving an addiction treatment center.

1. Follow a Healthy and Balanced Diet

Following a healthy diet is critical for your overall health.  This is especially true after leaving an addiction treatment center. Eating a balanced and nutritious diet can provide you with the energy that you need to get through your days. It allows you to remain fresh, alert and focused on moving forward. Study nutrients and how they affect the body, or consider taking a cooking class.

2. Establish Healthy Routines

One of the best things that you can do after leaving an addiction treatment center is to create healthy daily routines. Self-care activities should be added into your everyday life that promotes your emotional and physical health and well-being.

You should place a large emphasis on self-care activities. This could include counseling sessions, mediation, or quiet time as part of your daily routine. Implementing these practices can help you manage your level of stress while promoting emotional balance and mental clarity.

3. Find an Enjoyable Hobby or Activity

Finding something that you enjoy doing can help keep your mind distracted. This is a great way to keep you focused on your sobriety after leaving the addiction treatment center. Hobbies can also improve your ability to socialize with others who share similar interests. This provides you with an exceptional ability to build strong relationships that are healthy and supportive.

4. Have a Strong Support System in Recovery

The road to recovery after leaving an addiction treatment center is incredibly long and difficult. It is important that you have patience and determination. Having a strong support system is also critically important. Having a strong support system in place can go a long way toward helping you stay on a path of sobriety. This can include people like:

  • Friends
  • Therapists
  • Family members
  • Sober living communities

Finding people that are willing to help you can make all of the difference in your life after leaving the addiction treatment center. Your support team can help to hold you accountable.

5. Implement Regular Exercise

After leaving an addiction treatment center, one of the best things that you can do is implement exercise into your daily routine. Exercise can play a significant role in your recovery. Physical activity can go a long way to promote your mental health and well-being. Exercise can dramatically reduce your level of stress and provide you with a healthy outlet for managing anxiety and other emotions.

6. Focus On One Day at a Time

Although it may seem hard, you should focus on the here and now. Take your sobriety one day at a time. Every day presents its own unique challenges. It also offers new opportunities for you to grow and continue on your journey. Celebrate small victories each day and stay motivated.

7. Learn Healthy Ways to Manage Stress and Your Emotions

Dealing with life after leaving an addiction treatment center can be challenging. At times, it can be incredibly stressful. It is important that you learn to manage her emotions and stress. Either of these negative emotions has the ability to trigger the urge to turn to substances again. This can make it even harder to stay on the path of sobriety. It is important that you are able to identify what causes the emotional turmoil. Once you are able to identify what causes stress and emotional reactions, you can take steps to avoid them or learn healthy ways to cope.

8. Learn How to Effectively Deal With Urges and Triggers

One of the biggest problems and challenges that individuals face after leaving an addiction treatment center is urges and triggers. The unfortunate truth is that a person, a smile, or a place can easily trigger your urge to use. These feelings can become incredibly overwhelming. 

It is crucial that you are able to identify what triggers your urges to use. Take note of the feelings or situations that cause your desire to arise. Once you are able to effectively identify your triggers and urges, you are better able to avoid them or cope.

9. Set in Place a Prevention Plan

It is critically important that you create a relapse prevention plan and have it in place. In your plan, you should develop coping strategies for any potential triggers. You will want to have a strong support system in place and specify various actions that you will take if you feel any urge to use it again. Identify people that can help you overcome these urges or methods that can help you cope.

10. Always Get Help Whenever You Need It

You should never feel like you are a weak person for having to seek help. Unfortunately, one of the biggest mistakes that people who are on the path to recovery make is to keep any slip-ups or cravings that they experience a secret. 

If you feel like the cravings to turn to substance use are becoming overwhelming, it is crucial that you seek help from a counselor as soon as possible. Talking to somebody can make all of the difference when it comes to helping you succeed after leaving the addiction treatment center.

Let Our Glendora, CA, Addiction Treatment Center Help

Recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction is incredibly challenging. Thankfully, it is not something you have to go through alone. If you are ever in need of assistance when it comes to battling your drug or alcohol addiction, you can turn to our professionals at the Glendora Recovery Center.

Our team is fully committed to helping each person we work with succeed. Contact our team now to verify your insurance and get started.

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(626) 594-0881


1340 E. Route 66 Street Suite #106, Glendora CA 91740
