Our Locations

1340 E. Route 66 Street Suite 103 & 106, Glendora CA 91740

(626) 594-0881

Embrace A Substance-Abuse Free Life in our Intensive Outpatient Program

Do you want to lead a life free from substance abuse? Have you been looking into treatment programs but are concerned about leaving your family and job for an extended period of time? That’s perfectly understandable. You want to get sober and stay that way, but stepping completely out of your life isn’t feasible, and may even make leading a happy life that much more difficult. This is just one of the reasons that we offer an intensive outpatient program at the Glendora Recovery Center. Here, you can get the help you need in a safe, gorgeous environment while going home to your own bed every night. 

How Our Intensive Outpatient Program Works 

Essentially, our IOP is for folks who are struggling with addiction but do not need a detox that’s medically supervised. The idea is that you come to our facility for treatment when you can while still living your day-to-day life. So, you’ll go to work during the day and come here at night or vice versa. Many of our IOP patients come on some mix of days as well as weekends. There are treatment packages available for 30, 60, and 90 days. We do plenty on a case-by-case basis as well. We take great pride in designing a treatment program specifically for our individual patients. 

What Our Substance Abuse Program Consists Of 

While we make each treatment plan unique to the individual, many of our patients dealing with substance abuse can count on some treatments. For example, we tend to work heavily with our patients on both the physical as well as psychological aspects of the addiction. That means going into the concept of how substance abuse really is a disease, yet it’s also one that comes along with thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions. In the course of this, we also work with our patients on identifying and expressing their feelings while also building skills such as anger management, reducing stress, and more. 

For a Better Quality of Life: Our Mental Health Program 

Addiction is about the mind as well as the body. That’s just one of the many reasons that we have an extensive mental health program as well. For many, this will include improving mental health conditions, better coping strategies for feelings, emotions, relationships, and more. Beyond just developing healthier habits, we focus on maintaining recovery and wellness. That way, you can lead the life you want long after you walk out of our doors for the final time, too. 

intensive outpatient program

Treatment Options Beyond Our IOP 

IOP is a great option for many, but it won’t be the perfect fit for everyone. If you aren’t sure which program is right for you or someone that you love, we’re more than happy to talk. You can reach our team of professionals at (626) 594-0881. 

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Need Help?
Glendora Recovery Center is dedicated to creating a place of healing and growth for all that we encounter.

(626) 594-0881


1340 E. Route 66 Street Suite #106, Glendora CA 91740
