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Drug and Alcohol Testing: Why We’re The Best?

Home | Drug and Alcohol Testing: Why We’re The Best?
Drug Rehabilitation Center
drug and alcohol testing

The need for drug and alcohol testing is becoming more and more common as the years go by. With an increasing number of accidents and fatalities in workplaces, institutes, and homes due to drug and alcohol abuse, it has become clear that something needs to be done to ensure safety. Drug and alcohol testing can help identify those abusing drugs or alcohol so that necessary measures can be taken to protect everyone involved.

There are a few key reasons why this testing is important. First, drug and alcohol abuse can have severe consequences for the individual. It can lead to accidents at work or school, health problems, and even death. Additionally, drug and alcohol abuse can hurt those around the individual, including family, friends, and co-workers. By identifying those abusing drugs or alcohol, it is possible to get them the help they need before they cause serious harm to themselves or others. Drug and alcohol testing can also help create a safer workplace or learning environment.

drug and alcohol testing

Before we dive into why Glendora Recovery Center is the best hub for drug and alcohol testing, let’s look at some vital statistics:

What Do The Drug & Alcohol Addiction Statistics Say?

According to reports, around 9% of working individuals have a substance use disorder. 6.7% of them struggle with alcohol use disorder, and 1.6% have a cannabis use disorder. Substance use disorder is common across industries, and there is a dire need for solutions. On this note, let’s understand what alcohol or drug testing is.

What Is Drug And Alcohol Testing or Random UA testing?

It is a screening process to evaluate the presence or absence of specific drugs in an individual’s body. The most common tests are urine, hair, saliva, and blood tests. There are several reasons why getting random UA testing has become essential. First and foremost, it helps in saving innocent lives. Second, it makes the workplace or learning environment safer for everyone involved. And lastly, it can help identify those who are struggling with substance abuse so they can get the necessary help and treatment.

Why Is Glendora Recovery Center Best for Random UA?

We Maintain Confidentiality:

At Glendora Recovery Center, we take client confidentiality seriously. We will never release any information about our clients to anyone without their written consent. Additionally, we will not contact your employer or school without your permission.

We Have State-Of-The-Art Facilities:

Our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with the latest testing technology. We use cutting-edge methods to test for all types of drugs, including marijuana, opiates, cocaine, and amphetamines.

We Offer A Variety Of Testing Options:

We offer various testing options to meet your specific needs. We have both onsite and offsite testing options and instant and laboratory-based testing.

We’re Affordable:

We offer competitive rates for all of our alcohol and drug testing services. We also offer discounts for those who need to be tested regularly. In addition, we accept Several insurance plans.

We Have A Qualified Staff:

Our staff is highly qualified and experienced in alcohol and drug testing. We will ensure that you receive the highest level of service and care, as well as discretion.

Contact Us Today!

Looking for trustworthy drug and alcohol testing services at your premises? We’ve got you covered. Contact Glendora Recovery Center at (626) 263-5543 to know more about our UA services.

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drug and alcohol testing,Glendora Rehab Center
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Picture of Dr. Moses Nasser, MD

Dr. Moses Nasser, MD

Dr. Moses Nasser has a double board certification in Family Medicine and Addiction Medicine. His experience in addiction medicine goes back to when he started meditating in medical school over 20 years ago. The adventure of spiritual growth that followed led to the study and use of holistic healing, music for meditation and healing, guided meditation, and guided imagery, and understanding the deep physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual reasons that we turn to addictive substances and behaviors. This led to a medical weight loss practice where he integrated a complete mindfulness program for emotional eating and food addiction.