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Court-Ordered Programs: How Does It Work?

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Court-Approved Programs,Court-Ordered Rehab
Court Ordered Programs in Glendora, CA

People all over the United States and around the world struggle with alcohol and substance abuse every day. While some people may voluntarily seek help for their addictions, there are some who do not. Substance abuse can lead to dangerous behaviors. These behaviors can often put an individual and the people around them in danger. Unfortunately, some people who refuse to attend rehab on their own find themselves in legal trouble. Court-ordered programs were implemented to protect and support individuals who need help but refuse to get it on their own.

What Is a Court-Ordered Program?

A court-ordered rehab program is a form of alternative sentencing. Instead of facing jail time, a judge can order a program that they believe will be more beneficial to the individual. This option allows people with substance use disorders to work on rehabilitation without being treated like a criminal. 

The purpose of a court-ordered rehab program is to help individuals get the help they need to live a crime-free and sober lifestyle. In the United States, prison time might not always be the best option for someone struggling with drug addiction. Court-ordered programs aim to offer alternatives that will influence offenders to have positive outcomes. In fact, a study by the National Institute of Health (NIH) found that after release, return to drug and alcohol use occurred in a context of poor social support and inadequate resources to reenter society successfully.  A court-ordered program is beneficial in that there is no extended stay. Therefore, offenders are more likely to succeed in their rehabilitation because there is less of an adjustment. 

What Are the Different Court-Ordered Programs?

Court-ordered programs are abundant because there is a program to fit the needs of every individual. Everyone who attends this type of program is not there for the same reason, so it is vital that treatment is specific to the treatment that is needed. Here are some kinds of court-ordered programs.

Alternative Sentencing

Alternative sentencing programs provide another option to anyone facing incarceration. This kind of program offers more opportunities for people who need consequences in the form of behavior modification without the need for incarceration. 

Drug Diversion

A drug diversion treatment program is intended to lower the crime rates associated with drug misuse. Most states, including California, recognize that first-time offenders who commit low-level crimes will not always benefit from jail time. A drug diversion program offers help and counseling to such individuals. 

Participants of a drug diversion program must agree to attend classes, participate in group and individual therapy, and complete community service. This program includes six to twelve months of treatment, counseling, and behavior management.  

Batterers Intervention 

Batterer intervention services were designed to prevent the worsening of domestic violence. A batterer intervention program addresses the impulsive and angry behaviors that result in violent behaviors. Through education on how to control emotions and accountability, the batterer’s intervention program provides the tools an abuser needs to reduce the likelihood of this behavior in the future. 

Anger Management 

Anger management programs can help those who deal with anger issues control those negative emotions and the behaviors that result from them. An anger management program teaches strategies on how to overcome anger so that it does not get the best of you. Although anger is a natural emotion, the ways that it is expressed can be inappropriate. It can hurt you and those around you, so it is essential that proper emotion management is taught. 

How Do Court-Ordered Programs Work?

The main objective of a court-ordered program is to offer an alternative to incarceration for an individual. With this program, they can avoid jail time in the present while attending a program that will help avoid offending in the future. Although court-ordered programs are not usually voluntary, they can still be beneficial. Individuals who are mandated by the courts to complete this program are more likely to complete the program than others. This might be because there are consequences for violating the order. However, completing the program can change the outcome of one’s life. 

The Cost of a Court-Ordered Program

Court-ordered programs are required to be paid for by the defendant. In most cases, insurance will cover the total or partial costs of treatment. However, for those who do not have insurance, facilities might offer reduced or subsidized payment. Individuals who are mandated to attend a court-ordered program do get to choose where they attend, so they can choose a facility that meets their financial status. 

The Criteria for Court-Ordered Rehab

Everyone will not qualify to be considered for a court-ordered program. Some offenses can be too severe, among other things. The judge assigned to the case will analyze all factors and determine the best course of action in each circumstance. Here are the criteria for being considered for a court-ordered rehab program in California:

  • The defendant cannot have attended a court-ordered program in the past
  • The defendant committed a non-violent offense
  • The defendant’s action was a direct result of drug or alcohol use 
  • The defendant qualifies for probation 
  • The judge/court believes that the defendant will benefit from a court-ordered program

Once an individual is court-ordered to attend a program, they will have to follow the following rules:

  • They must attend for as long as the court orders 
  • They must remain abstinent from drugs and alcohol
  • They must give regular updates to the court 
  • They must complete random drug and alcohol testing

The Consequences of Violations

Anyone who fails to fulfill the given criteria will face prosecution for their original offense. The purpose of alternative sentencing is to give the offender a chance to avoid these charges. However, failure to follow the rules of the court will result in prosecution to the full extent of the law. 

Court Ordered Programs in Glendora, CA, Can Help You

Glendora Recovery Center is dedicated to helping our patients overcome their addictions and regain control of their lives. We offer a variety of court-ordered programs to fit the needs of every individual. Our group of trained specialists is here to help.  Contact us today to get started on your journey to a better lifestyle. 

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court ordered programs,Court-Ordered Rehab
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Picture of Dr. Moses Nasser, MD

Dr. Moses Nasser, MD

Dr. Moses Nasser has a double board certification in Family Medicine and Addiction Medicine. His experience in addiction medicine goes back to when he started meditating in medical school over 20 years ago. The adventure of spiritual growth that followed led to the study and use of holistic healing, music for meditation and healing, guided meditation, and guided imagery, and understanding the deep physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual reasons that we turn to addictive substances and behaviors. This led to a medical weight loss practice where he integrated a complete mindfulness program for emotional eating and food addiction.