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Cocaine Addiction: How to Get Help

Home | Cocaine Addiction: How to Get Help
Addiction Recovery Center,Drug Rehabilitation Center
Cocaine addiction

Having an addiction or caring for someone with one is no easy feat. There might come a time when you desperately need help. But where do you begin? Asking for help is never easy. It may take days or even weeks or months to build the courage to ask for help. Whether it is from shame or pride, taking the necessary steps to overcome cocaine addiction is the bravest thing you can do.

Read ahead to understand cocaine addiction, how to ask for help, and how to help your loved one who is addicted to cocaine.

How Did We Get Here?

Misconceptions around drug abuse make it challenging to have a conversation about how addictions begin and why they happen. The biology of addiction explains how people lose control over their actions. No one chooses to become addicted to any substance. The truth is, for some people, one time is all it takes.

Explaining Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine addiction is difficult to overcome because it changes the reward system in your brain. Cocaine is a stimulant. This means that it speeds up the body’s systems and increases the brain’s production of dopamine. Dopamine, also known as the happy hormone, can give individuals a feeling of euphoria and calm.

Within minutes of taking cocaine, it enters the bloodstream and reaches the brain. This quick reaction is also responsible for the short-lasting high that the drug provides. Prolonged use of cocaine can cause a person’s body to become dependent on the drug to feel normal.

Once addiction forms, individuals often feel like their bodies cannot function without it. They begin to experience symptoms of withdrawal after a long enough period since their last use. The effects of cocaine addiction often begin to impact other aspects of the person’s life. It can cause behavioral changes that affect them financially, socially, and mentally.

If your loved one has been exhibiting symptoms of cocaine addiction, it is vital that they receive help as soon as possible. Here are some signs to be aware of.

  • Disinterest in their favorite hobbies and activities
  • Financial issues
  • Loss of job or dropping out of school
  • Erratic behavior that affects their relationships

How to Ask For Help With Cocaine Addiction

While it may be intimidating, asking for help is an important step toward recovery. Asking for help means admitting that you have a problem that you cannot overcome alone. Whether you reach out to a family member, friend, or professional, you are taking a step in the right direction.

Not everyone has a strong family support system to turn to when things get out of hand. There are many resources available if this sounds familiar. Here are a few.

Doctors or Other Medical Professionals

If you have a primary care physician that you see regularly, you can speak with them about your substance use. Not only will they offer a listening ear, but they will also give you resources in your area that may be helpful. These resources might include information about local groups and rehabilitation centers.

Another medical professional that may be useful is a therapist. They will be able to help you navigate your thoughts and actions around addiction. They will also be able to provide you with information about how to receive more specialized care.


It would come as no surprise that you may trust your friends more than your family. While it may still be daunting to ask for help from a close friend, you will never know what they will say until you reach out to them. People react in many different ways to this type of news. Remember, you cannot control how others will react to this news.

While the thought of this may be intimidating, remember that they still love you and might need a little extra time to process this information.

How to Help Someone With Cocaine Addiction

Watching someone you love suffer from addiction is heartbreaking. You may feel helpless. However, you are more helpful than you think. The fact that you noticed that they need help shows that you pay attention to your loved ones. Instead of beating yourself up, consider the following.

Get Them Help Before They Reach Rock Bottom

If your loved one is battling addiction, do not wait for the right time to address it. There is never a right time. Instead, address the problem as soon as it arises. Whether it is having a one-on-one conversation with them or staging an intervention, taking immediate action could be the difference between them getting help or having a horrible outcome.

Ask Questions With Compassion and Understanding

It is vital when speaking with someone with a cocaine addiction that they do not feel judged by your body language or your words. It is understandable that you may feel disappointed. However, it is not about how you feel. Building walls between yourself and your loved one will only make them regret coming to you for help.

Instead, you can ask questions that show your compassion and understanding of their circumstances. The questions can look like the following.

  • What can I do to help?
  • Will you consider going to rehab?

These questions do not place blame. Instead, they focus on moving forward in a way that will help your loved one get better.

Cocaine Addiction Treatment Center in Glendora, CA

Watching someone you love face addiction is one of the most heartbreaking things a person can endure. While you may have your feelings about the circumstances, it is essential that you approach it with compassion and love. It is never easy to ask for help. With so many stigmas around, some people never do.

At Glendora Recovery Center, we understand the strength it takes to ask for help. We are here to support you every step of the journey towards a life of sobriety. Our programs are designed to help our clients live their best and most fulfilling lives. Contact us today if you or someone you know is battling cocaine addiction. Let’s move forward toward abundance and success together.

Tags :
addiction recovery,Cocaine Addiction,drug rehab
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Picture of Dr. Moses Nasser, MD

Dr. Moses Nasser, MD

Dr. Moses Nasser has a double board certification in Family Medicine and Addiction Medicine. His experience in addiction medicine goes back to when he started meditating in medical school over 20 years ago. The adventure of spiritual growth that followed led to the study and use of holistic healing, music for meditation and healing, guided meditation, and guided imagery, and understanding the deep physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual reasons that we turn to addictive substances and behaviors. This led to a medical weight loss practice where he integrated a complete mindfulness program for emotional eating and food addiction.