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1340 E. Route 66 Street Suite 103 & 106, Glendora CA 91740

Phone Number

(626) 240-5056

A Comfortable and Upscale Family Style Environment

Batterers Intervention Programs (BIP) for Court Approved Rehab

Diverse people in a rehab session

Batters Intervention Program

When people decide to go through a rehabilitation program (either voluntarily or through a court mandate), they can choose from a variety of options. For some people, court-approved rehab programs may be the best choice. These programs are intended for criminals who have battled addiction and are currently coping with the consequences of their actions. For those prepared to put in the effort and make the required changes in their lives, they can be a great option. As part of our court-approved services, a Batterers intervention program is also available for anyone struggling to manage a battering violent behavior.

An Introduction to Batterer Intervention Programs 

Batterer Intervention Programs (BIP) are targeted toward batterers in order to provide education as well as rehabilitation regarding violent behavior. Some people attend voluntarily and some by court order. The purpose of BIPs is to alter the mindset and actions of offenders in order to increase victim safety, hold offenders accountable, and lessen the chance of additional acts of violence. Through education and accountability, the program tries to ensure that the person has the necessary awareness to make better decisions.

Battering: What Is It?

Battering does not always or necessarily come from rage, mental illness, or the use of drugs or alcohol. Instead, it is a learned practice that is frequently driven by the abusive partner’s conscious or unconscious desire to control the victim. Battering is primarily a deliberate activity, yet occasionally people exhibit spontaneous, angry behavior or an inability to manage their emotions. This violent behavior is grounded in logic and exhibits rationality, which reduces the likelihood that it is the result of mental disease.

Battering Behavior Can Take Multiple Forms

Verbal abuse by a battering partner is also considered a strong form of violence regardless of what many people might think, such behavior is frequently used to lower the victim’s self-esteem and stop the victim from exiting the relationship and leaving the violent partner. Physical violence towards a partner can take the form of punching, beating, pushing or shoving, choking, object hurling, the use of a weapon, burning, or preventing the spouse from leaving. It could also include refusing to seek medical attention for a partner who is ill or injured, abandoning their partner in a dangerous zone, and any forms of intimidation. 

How Can a Battering Intervention Program Help?

Battering intervention programs have evolved in a lot of ways, changes have been made  In order to better serve the community, protect victims, and further reduce recidivism, The ability to provide services to men who do not speak English, teenage boys (who are at risk of learning violent behavior when witnessing domestic violence from a young age), and abusive partners in same-sex relationships may be made possible in some areas with increased funding for these programs. A few services are also accessible for women who mistreat their partners or offspring.

In addition to learning new ways of thinking about and reacting to stressful situations, the main goal of anger management is helping people identify what triggers their feelings so they can avoid those triggers or choose different responses than they previously used when they were upset or frustrated by them. For example: if being yelled at makes someone feel very agitated but yelling back only makes things worse for everyone involved then it might be helpful for this person not to yell back next time he/she finds himself/herself in such an emotional situation instead try talking calmly until he/she calms down enough so that he/she doesn’t feel like yelling anymore, either way, both options prevent future arguments

The programs also aim to promote gender equality in relationships and typically instruct participants on how to recognize and describe the type of abuse they have engaged in, accept responsibility for the abuse, and find nonviolent solutions instead of resorting to violence. This often aids participants in learning to develop a nonviolent response to behavior that they might otherwise react to violently.

A Therapist May Also Help You Develop Strategies For Coping With Triggers That Cause You To Get Angry.

A therapist may also help you develop strategies for coping with triggers that cause you to get angry. In therapy, a therapist will teach you how to use relaxation techniques and deep breathing exercises in order to calm yourself down. The therapist can also show you how to identify possible triggers and develop ways of avoiding them or dealing with them before they become an issue.

A good anger management treatment program will provide you with the information and guidance necessary to develop better-coping skills so that your anger doesn’t get out of control or cause problems in your life.

Anger can be hard to manage on your own; professional help can be beneficial.

This is particularly useful if you’re dealing with more serious issues like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). If so, finding an anger management program will likely be part of your treatment plan.

Batters Intervention Program

Intervention Programs That Work

At the Glendora Recovery Center, one of the ways we may assist people who are battling addiction is through court-approved programs. Through our intensive outpatient, aftercare, and other programs, we have assisted so many people in overcoming their addictions (as well as their underlying causes) so that they can live the life they desire. We are available to assist you if you need us. Our telephone number is (626) 263-5543.